Matthew Baker
As a mobile communications engineer, Matthew has worked in research and development of 3G, 4G, 5G and, most recently, 6G technologies for three different multi-national companies. He is currently employed by Nokia, where his work involves a combination of technical, political and managerial aspects, together with frequent international travel that seems to provoke widespread speculation that he actually works for MI6.
He grew up in Kent and is very thankful for the wonderful blessing of his Christian parents who taught him about God’s love through Jesus since his earliest days. As an engineering undergraduate, he was built up by faithful Bible teaching both in the Christian Union and in a local church, which opened his eyes to the need for others to hear the marvellous news of Jesus. His favourite Bible verse is Romans 6v11, “So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus”, and he would be delighted to tell you why if you have the opportunity to ask him. Matthew now lives in Cambridge, where he and his wife, Rachel, are members of St Andrew the Great church.